This Android application is a Class 1 SD / MI Teacher Book Theme 5 - My Experience. Integrated Thematic Book 2013 Curriculum.
This student book is a material for students' guidance at the primary school level and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah based on the 2013 Revised 2017 Curriculum to help students in the learning process.
Theme 5
My experience
Table of contents of this book:
Sub-theme 1 Childhood Experiences
Sub-theme 2 Experience with Friends
Sub-theme 3 School Experience
Sub-Theme 4 A Memorable Experience
Complete contents of the book:
About Student Book
table of contents
List of Subtemas
Author Profile
Reviewers Profile
Editor's Profile
Illustrator Profile
Application features:
Search page
zoom in / out
Table of contents per sub-theme
Can be used offline / without internet
Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend to learn students at any time, whenever and wherever without having to be online.
Please give a 5 star rating to give us a sense of enthusiasm in creating and developing other useful applications.
Disclaimer: This book is a student book prepared by the Government for the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. This student book is compiled and reviewed by various parties under the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and is used in the early stages of implementing the 2013 Curriculum. This book is a "Living Document" which constantly repaired, updated and updated in accordance with the dynamic needs and changing times. Input from various groups addressed to the author and the page or via e-mail is expected to improve the quality of this book.
This student book is a material for students' guidance at the primary school level and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah based on the 2013 Revised 2017 Curriculum to help students in the learning process.
Theme 5
My experience
Table of contents of this book:
Sub-theme 1 Childhood Experiences
Sub-theme 2 Experience with Friends
Sub-theme 3 School Experience
Sub-Theme 4 A Memorable Experience
Complete contents of the book:
About Student Book
table of contents
List of Subtemas
Author Profile
Reviewers Profile
Editor's Profile
Illustrator Profile
Application features:
Search page
zoom in / out
Table of contents per sub-theme
Can be used offline / without internet
Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend to learn students at any time, whenever and wherever without having to be online.
Please give a 5 star rating to give us a sense of enthusiasm in creating and developing other useful applications.
Disclaimer: This book is a student book prepared by the Government for the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. This student book is compiled and reviewed by various parties under the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and is used in the early stages of implementing the 2013 Curriculum. This book is a "Living Document" which constantly repaired, updated and updated in accordance with the dynamic needs and changing times. Input from various groups addressed to the author and the page or via e-mail is expected to improve the quality of this book.
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