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This application will allow queries and complaints from services provided by the Cooperative CEPRAL, Parada Robles.
It contains a main menu with options allowing you to select, according to the service, consultation or specific claim, to finally allow supply complete number (unit number), consisting of 6 digits and which is at the top left of your bill, after which you must press where it says "send inquiry".
You can check or claim for telephony services, internet and electricity or to request information on debt balances and final energy consumption.
The application allows you to add additional comments and have the option to mail enabled when the type of claim is related to electric service to 02 Street Lighting 03 and 04 Public Road Safety Report Fraud.
This application uses SMS (text messaging) technology to send inquiries to avoid connectivity problems, CEPRAL respond by text message informing your claim number for you to track up to the resolution thereof.
To query options available, you can send an e-mail attaching images if desired. You can take a picture of your photo gallery and incorporate the claim, when you press Submit Query. Remember that you must have an email box on your device so you can use this option. Otherwise, it is recommended to choose the SMS option.
This application allows you to register before sending your inquiry, the number of supply (unit number), what can be done once, and is saved on your device, thus avoiding having to search each time you need. Note that the number of supply can vary according to the service that is queried.
From the main menu, the application has an icon (yellow phone), which will mark directly CEPRAL 0800, where you can if you want to make a phone consultation.

CEPRAL Screenshots

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