The art of processing of textiles is not new aspect. As the time passes new processes, methods and machines have been in use to improve the productivity and quality of the processed fabric. In the era of energy and water saving and eco-friendly processing, to maintain the quality and cost has become tough task. It is always found that 70% problems of dyeing are attributed to poor treatment of the fabric. Hence it becomes necessary to give emphasis right from pretreatment to ultimate dyeing steps to achieve best quality dyed goods. "RIGHT FIRST TIME AND ALL THE TIME RIGHT" dyeing quality can be easily achieved by strictly adhering to process control parameters of each and every step of fabric processing.
In this paper an attempt has been made to highlight the various problems encountered due to men, machine and other factors of processing for damage about the possible causes and remedies of these dyeing problems helps the processes as a ready recockener for avoiding these problems.
The art of processing of textiles today is well known to all processors. In the past the organized sector dominated the textile scene; whereas today the decentralized process houses are predominant. There is a shift in emphasis from the requirements related to finished products to environment related requirements. Requirements related to the finished product fastness & other properties of dyestuffs & chemicals, processing etc. shift of emphasis environment related requirements, cost reduction, security, energy & water saving, toxicology, hygiene legal regulations, and competitiveness.
Reduction in costs and utilities are achieved by the trend to telescope processes. In order to be competitive processors would have to give equal if not better quality then the existing material at the same price. Considering the energy and labour costs, the only means of maintaining a competitive edge is to lay emphasis on 'Quality'. Good quality does not necessarily mean increased prices, but in fact would mean "Doing it right the first time" thereby reduce the costs.
Thus with this theme in mind of "Doing it right the first time" we would have to first understand the problems in the process of dyeing. So, this paper mainly discusses "Problems in Dyeing & its remedies".
The ultimate law of accuracy states, "when working towards a solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer provided, of course you know there is problem".
Every manufacturing unit has a number of problems, however problem solving cannot be considered to be astrology or palmistry, but it needs the fullest knowledge of basic facts.
In this paper an attempt has been made to highlight the various problems encountered due to men, machine and other factors of processing for damage about the possible causes and remedies of these dyeing problems helps the processes as a ready recockener for avoiding these problems.
The art of processing of textiles today is well known to all processors. In the past the organized sector dominated the textile scene; whereas today the decentralized process houses are predominant. There is a shift in emphasis from the requirements related to finished products to environment related requirements. Requirements related to the finished product fastness & other properties of dyestuffs & chemicals, processing etc. shift of emphasis environment related requirements, cost reduction, security, energy & water saving, toxicology, hygiene legal regulations, and competitiveness.
Reduction in costs and utilities are achieved by the trend to telescope processes. In order to be competitive processors would have to give equal if not better quality then the existing material at the same price. Considering the energy and labour costs, the only means of maintaining a competitive edge is to lay emphasis on 'Quality'. Good quality does not necessarily mean increased prices, but in fact would mean "Doing it right the first time" thereby reduce the costs.
Thus with this theme in mind of "Doing it right the first time" we would have to first understand the problems in the process of dyeing. So, this paper mainly discusses "Problems in Dyeing & its remedies".
The ultimate law of accuracy states, "when working towards a solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer provided, of course you know there is problem".
Every manufacturing unit has a number of problems, however problem solving cannot be considered to be astrology or palmistry, but it needs the fullest knowledge of basic facts.
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