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Remedies for Bedwetting

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About Remedies for Bedwetting

As a parent of a bed-wetter I went through months, if not years of frustration, getting up and taking the child to the loo every 3 hours and basically hitting my head against the wall just trying to prevent the poor child from being embarrassed about the fact that it woke up in a wet bed every morning. Putting the mattress into the sun and changing the linen every day was not a problem [I live in sunny South Africa].

The problem came down to the fact that the poor child had a elder brother and the teasing and snide remarks were starting to take its toll on the little tyke, to the extent that the child would not go to sleep but would lay for hours staring at the ceiling, this played havoc on the child's ability to be up and running in the early morning as we all tried to get ready for school, playschool or work while trying to feed them all breakfast etc etc. Absolute chaos reigned in the morning for quite a few years and then the child just stopped [yes! Just stopped], no more wet beds, no more early morning havoc, the brother no longer had a reason to tease and peace finally found its place in our home.

How I wish I had the WWW in those days, I would have hunted down a cure or something that would help with the child s [the child is now a 30 year old adult] problem. So hopefully you new mothers of potential bed-wetters out there will find the information below helpful.

Nocturnal enuresis [bed-wetting] is also referred to as nighttime incontinence [involuntary urination while asleep], there are 2 types primary [never a dry night] and secondary [can go for months without wetting the bed].

There are actual physical causes for this problem

* immature nervous system - cannot feel when the bladder is full
* small bladder - cannot contain the amount of urine produced while asleep
* urinary tract defect

and some medical problems that may also cause bed-wetting

* UTI - urinary tract infection
* constipation
* diabetes
* epilepsy
* sickle-cell anemia
* epilepsy
* spinal abnormalities
* genetic factors

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