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Baroda Goods Transport Service

Eterna Fintech Private Limited
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About Baroda Goods Transport Service

Baroda Goods Transport Service Pvt Ltd is our new Brand for our Local Vendors and Make in India companies.

We at Truck . world would like to give an easy platform to our Clients to book the transport move at a click to book.

BGTS has been an expert in transportation of lengthy and heavy steel structural materials, coal handling and cement distribution. The company also dealt with the transportation of all materials for erection of big plants for large-scale industries

We have started our Local movement

BGTS was the pioneer in road transport from Baroda to Mumbai since 1960 when goods were transshipped at Narmada Golden Bridge beyond 4 tons.

BGTS then expanded its network and formed a private limited company in 1987 and opened multiple branches and its clients include prestigious business houses and industries.

BGTS Pvt Ltd. is one of the most reputed, oldest, well-organized, pioneer and time-bound services providers Company since 1950.

We have state of the art infrastructure, efficient teams and a robust experience of over 55 years.

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