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Choice Gospel Radio

choice gospel network
4.9 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Choice Gospel Radio

Choice Gospel Radio was established by the leading of The Holy Spirit

Originally, the radio show was one of a worldly nature, but since Foster was transformed by the renewing of his carnal mind (Romans 12:2) he understood it was his duty to go into all the world and preach the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God The Father (Philippians 2:11) and to reap the end-times harvest as commanded by Christ our Lord (Mark 16:15) so that men may get to know and establish a closer relationship with The King.

Our goal is to offer our listeners a variety of God inspired music, preaching, teaching and individual testimonies that will uplift, encourage and promote the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all people throughout the world! Now after more than ten (10) successful years in Radio and Broadcasting on a secular level, Choice Gospel Radio was posed with the ultimatum “ALL” or “NONE” and of course you know the outcome. At Choice Gospel Radio we are 100% Jesus all the time and our only purpose for broadcasting is to give God His due glory and to lift the name of Jesus so that all men may be drawn to Him (John 12:32) from all around the world!

Today Choice Gospel Radio, a Non-Profit 501(c) 3 Unincorporated Association embracing God our heavenly Father like never before and we live to advance the Kingdom of God here on the earth by reaching hundreds of thousands of households and businesses.
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