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GMAT Pill Study Method
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About GMAT Pill HD+

Now optimized for Tablets, too!

*1,200+ GMAT Videos
*500+ GMAT Practice Questions
*100+ GMAT Flashcard Drills
*Cross Platform: Sync Your Performance across Web, Android, iPhone/iPad
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*Community Discussion through DISCUS
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GMAT PILL, created by Stanford graduates who specialize only on the GMAT, is a top-rated online GMAT test prep course designed for busy professionals with limited time to study.

Download 800+ GMAT tutorials right onto your Android device at home. Then watch these videos on-the-go even without a WiFi connection.

GMAT Video lessons cover:
*Sentence Correction
*Critical Reasoning
*Reading Comprehension
*Data Sufficiency
*Problem Solving
*New Integrated Reasoning

See for more information.

GMAT® (plus a listing of any other GMAC® trademarks used on your web site) is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council®. The Graduate Management Admission Council® does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site.

Note users of newer S5 and S6 devices may potentially have logging in issues. We will fixing this in the next update.