Ears popping or hurting on a flight?
EarPlanes+ measures cabin air pressure in real-time during a flight and sends a notification precisely when EarPlanes earplugs should be worn to prevent ear pain.
For over 25 years, EarPlanes earplugs have been helping flyers prevent ear pain and popping due to the rapid air pressure changes inflight, EP+ completely takes the guesswork out of when they need to be worn.
EP+ utilizes the air pressure sensor (barometer) built-in to your smartphone and the app will send a push notification when air pressure becomes unstable, even if you are using other apps.
The air pressures experienced during a flight is quite a journey, see it right before your eyes for the first time with EP+
EarPlanes+ measures cabin air pressure in real-time during a flight and sends a notification precisely when EarPlanes earplugs should be worn to prevent ear pain.
For over 25 years, EarPlanes earplugs have been helping flyers prevent ear pain and popping due to the rapid air pressure changes inflight, EP+ completely takes the guesswork out of when they need to be worn.
EP+ utilizes the air pressure sensor (barometer) built-in to your smartphone and the app will send a push notification when air pressure becomes unstable, even if you are using other apps.
The air pressures experienced during a flight is quite a journey, see it right before your eyes for the first time with EP+
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