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Cigna Mail

4.7 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Cigna Mail

Cigna Mail is a simple, yet robust email solution that does the job. Keeps you connected. Securely. On the go.

Be it an enterprise or a BYOD program, you can confidently turn your mobile device into a business tool - managing emails from multiple accounts, calendars (business and personal), and contacts. All without compromising your personal data. The app works seamlessly with Cigna Secure Drive, Cigna Mobile Edit, Skype for Business, and GoToMeeting.

Secure Mail offers a rich and customizable experience on your mobile device. With XenMobile, you can also manage the app with security policies that suit your organization's needs.


• Multiple Exchange accounts
• Ability to report phishing emails
• A dedicated folder for your email attachments
• Support for Samsung DeX
• Single sign-on
• Triage view for quick email sorting
• Personal contact groups
• Skype/GTM/WebEx for meetings

Supported mail servers:

• Microsoft Exchange Server
• Microsoft Office 365
• IBM Lotus Notes

Got any feedback or requests for new features or enhancements? Write to us at

Thanks for using our app!

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