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Little Sir Echo

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About Little Sir Echo

Little Sir Echo is a background app that listens only for sms or mms notifications that appear. It then triggers a repeat notification after a set time and continues to do so until the user views the sms or removes any sms notifications.

Available for devices with Android 4.3 onwards (API 18) it will only trigger if the notification package contains "sms" or "mms" in it's name, ie. stock is

A simple setting for awake hours constrain Little Sir Echo to repeat notifications within user selected hours. Defaults apply for this and all other settings.

No information is gathered by this app (other than the package name check for sms or mms) nor are there any data logging capabilities of any kind.

A wakelock is used to allow Little Sir Echo to repeat reminders that are set, this prevents the device from entering deep sleep.

This version is strictly limited in capabilities but may be updated to allow for notification package name detection and setting, replacement of wakelock with alarm implementation, override on/off switch and limit number of repeats.

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