Spyro Live Wallpaper icon

Spyro Live Wallpaper

2.9 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Spyro Live Wallpaper

The free Spyro Live Wallpaper displays an animated spirograph. You can tap on the screen to alter the curve. You can choose to use your current background wallpaper or select one of the background shadings, whether you would like to have 2D or 3D effect and four different base Spyro curves. The color shading, accuracy, speed and curve stroke can be altered as desired. Double tap on the Spyro to save it as an image.

On some phones it appears that the saved Spyro images are not visible with the default Android Gallery. With other gallery apps like QuickPic you do see the images.

This Live Wallpaper requires a modern smartphone because of calculations!

You can contact me via the contact form at http://www.cmwmobile.com for issues and suggestions.

Spyro Live Wallpaper Screenshots