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CCNB Business Mobile

Coastal Carolina National Bank
100+ downloads

About CCNB Business Mobile

CCNB is as mobile as you are! Manage your business’ finances anytime, anywhere from your mobile device. 

It’s fast, secure and convenient. With CCNB Business Mobile information is at your fingertips.
• Account Balance
• View Activity
• ACH origination
• Positive Pay approvals
• Pay Bills*
• Wire Transfers
• and much more

To use this app you must be enrolled in online banking.

Visit our website at to obtain additional details and to view our privacy policy. 

Questions? Call CCNB toll-free 1-866 418-9219 if you need assistance.
*Requires activation.

© 2017 CCNB. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Equal housing lender.

**Carrier’s data rates may apply. **

CCNB Business Mobile Screenshots

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