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COCON Company B.V.
10+ downloads

About COCON Pro

COCON group of affiliate and partner companies is the industry leader and largest provider of Massage Therapy, Facials and Body Treatments for the most prestigious Residences, 5-star Spas and Hotels in The Netherlands.

Our community is growing fast and counts on only the most skilled, experienced and ambitious Massage Therapists, Beauticians and Wellness Professionals who look to work in a prestigious 5-star environment where excellence is our base-standard.

By joining COCON Pro, you will have access to the following jobs:

1. Spas: you can perform treatments on-site at the multiple Spas we work with. We currently provide massage therapists for several of the most renowned Spas in Amsterdam.

2. Hotels in-room: you can perform in-room treatments across our network of the most prestigious Hotels in Amsterdam. Equipment is stored on location while towels are provided by the partner Hotels - you are not required to carry equipment.

3. Residences (at-home): you can perform at-home treatments across our curated network of clients. We provide an Operations Support team which transports and carries all necessary equipment from our Operational Office to the treatment location - you are not required to carry any equipment or perform any extraordinary physical effort.


We also provide conditions for you to up-skill and learn different treatment techniques such as Lymphatic Drainage, Facial Treatments, Body Treatments and multiple others. We fully support the growth and continuous learning of our team and are looking for professionals who look to grow together.

You take ownership of your time: you can either commit with high availability or give availability for weekends and nights to supplement another job. You take ownership of your time.

Jobs are available 7 days a week and you can earn the most competitive rates in the industry + 100% of tips. Download now and join the network of the most experienced and highest standards Massage Therapists in Amsterdam - soon in Rotterdam and Den Haag..

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