Study With Me! (◍ᐡ₃ᐡ◍)
#How to use
1. Study with a cute character for the promised time.
2. Purchase items with the coins you received as a reward.
3. Decorate your room with purchased items.
#Premium purchases receive the following benefits.
1. Removal of interstitial advertisements (excluding video advertisements agreed by the user)
2. Acquire quest items.
3. Register a custom category.
4. Cloud save/load.
#How to use
1. Study with a cute character for the promised time.
2. Purchase items with the coins you received as a reward.
3. Decorate your room with purchased items.
#Premium purchases receive the following benefits.
1. Removal of interstitial advertisements (excluding video advertisements agreed by the user)
2. Acquire quest items.
3. Register a custom category.
4. Cloud save/load.
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