Use this Christian Meditation App to help you heal and find some quiet moments in your day!
The Christian Meditator, Rhonda Jones, has been teaching about the transformative power of Christian Meditation since 2005. In fact, she was one of the first Christians to introduce believers to introduce Christian meditation on the internet through her website
Many, through her guided Christian meditation and affirmation audios have found peace of mind, stress relief, inner healing, and a closer relationship with God. Now, Rhonda has created The Christian Meditator App, a completely free, and easy access app that contains a variety of Christian meditation recordings and instructional tools.
The Christian Meditation App is divided into four sections. These include:
What Do You Need to Heal?
Suffering from negative thoughts, stress, physical illness, inner pain, or desire to draw closer to God? This section includes valuable instruction and tools that help you to heal from within. Each topic contains Learn, Grow, Meditate, and Reflect. Use the Spiritual Healing Quiz in the Products and Resources section to discover where you need healing most.
5- Minutes with God Daily Meditations
Don't have much time to spend with God or just need a quiet pause throughout the day? These 5-Minute meditations allow you to connect with God, restart your morning, or reset your day in just five soothing minutes. Choose from 20 daily Christian meditations titles including Cast Your Cares on God, Change My Focus, Delight Yourself in the Lord, Guard Your Heart, Hearing God’s Voice, Trusting God, and more.
Be Still & Know Meditation Membership
Are you a Be Still and Know Christian Meditation Member? If so, now you can gain easy access to the membership right from your mobile device. All you need to do is log in. The Be Still and Know Christian Meditation Membership includes 12 Christian mini-course modules, over 70 guided Christian meditation and affirmation audios, a variety of healing tools, live workshops, and more. Check out the monthly membership if you’re looking to go deeper in your meditation practice.
Products & Services
It contains links to some of my most popular Christian meditation products and services: books, courses, bundles, and more.
For his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law does he meditate day and night.” – Psalms 1:2
For centuries, Christians have practiced Christian meditation to reduce stress, overcome worry and negative thoughts, find inner healing, draw closer to God, and live a more authentic and spiritual Christian life. You can too! Start your new spiritual journey today!
Christian Meditation Can Help You To:
• Gain better health
• Overcome negative thinking
• Maintain your peace of mind
• Create a deeper with God
• Gain greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
• Overcome habits and addictions
• Reduce stress
• Improve life balance and well-being
Be sure and download the Free Scripture Meditation Ebook if you want to learn more about meditation and how to part a daily practice. You'll find it under Products/Resources.
You are Only as Healthy as Your Mind
Use the Christian Meditator App to heal your life and relationship with God with spiritual disciplines and transformative tools that have brought more peace, joy, contentment, and intimacy with God to Christians everywhere.
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