Speakipedia is the easiest and quickest way to access Wikipedia™ contents.
With a voice-enabled search you don't need to type to search articles, just ask Speakipedia, the app will read the article's content using text-to-speech capabilities of your android phone.
No time to read long wikipedia pages? Just put on your headphones and listen to Wikipedia™.
Transform the way you search on the go.
★Voice-enabled search - tap the microphone button to easily find what you’re looking for.
★Text-To-Speech - Speakipedia will read the page displayed on your screen via the Text-to-Speech of your device.
★Table of contents - swipe left on any article to bring up the table of contents, which lets you jump to article sections easily.
★Media Player - a media toolbar allow you to go back and forward between the reading of various page sections.
★Wikipedia pages open directly inside the app!
The encyclopedic content on this app is derived from Wikipedia. The sum of all knowledge right in your hand.
All languages supported.
If you are having technical issues or have any questions on this app you can email us on bitfluent.speakipedia@gmail.com
Speakipedia uses Wikipedia API. Wikipedia™ is a registered trademark of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. and is used with the permission of the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.
With a voice-enabled search you don't need to type to search articles, just ask Speakipedia, the app will read the article's content using text-to-speech capabilities of your android phone.
No time to read long wikipedia pages? Just put on your headphones and listen to Wikipedia™.
Transform the way you search on the go.
★Voice-enabled search - tap the microphone button to easily find what you’re looking for.
★Text-To-Speech - Speakipedia will read the page displayed on your screen via the Text-to-Speech of your device.
★Table of contents - swipe left on any article to bring up the table of contents, which lets you jump to article sections easily.
★Media Player - a media toolbar allow you to go back and forward between the reading of various page sections.
★Wikipedia pages open directly inside the app!
The encyclopedic content on this app is derived from Wikipedia. The sum of all knowledge right in your hand.
All languages supported.
If you are having technical issues or have any questions on this app you can email us on bitfluent.speakipedia@gmail.com
Speakipedia uses Wikipedia API. Wikipedia™ is a registered trademark of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. and is used with the permission of the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.
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