Qibla Finder / Direction icon

Qibla Finder / Direction

4.7 out of 5
1,000,000+ downloads

About Qibla Finder / Direction

-✦- Qibla Finder the most accurate finder for direction of Qibla.

-✦- Qibla Finder has pleasing design with animation unlike others.

-✦- Easy and Simple to use just place your device on a flat surface and The direction of (Kaaba/Mecca) is pointed out with an arrow.

-✦- Qibla Finder will automatically detect your current location and its Qibla compass will automatically point towards the direction of (Kaaba/Qibla).

-✦- Qibla Finder helps all muslims around the world to find Qibla direction fastest and easiest way with 100% Accuracy works Online and Offline.

-✦- Features:

- 100% Accuracy
- Works even with no Internet Connection with 100% Accuracy
- Detects your direction Automatically
- Simple and Easy to use
- Beautiful and Pleasing Design with Animation
- Finds direction of (Qibla/Kaaba) Anywhere
- Beautiful Compass

Qibla Finder / Direction Screenshots