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GC Bible

Jacob Nero
1.0 out of 5
100+ downloads

About GC Bible

“The sun is shining and it’s time to play the real-time, multiplayer golf game that every player is trying to master”.

Welcome to GC Bible (Golf Clash Bible).

Beta testing is now over!
Thank you for all your input.
We are now finishing development of the stable version

This development has been purely designed for all Golf Clash players. With help from some very experienced master players we have developed an environment that will help you find the most up to date content.

All tournament guides are now scraped due to lack of commitment from third parties. Please support this project so we are able to develop further and provide an excellent service for all GC Community.
This is the first release and improvements will be implemented.

Here you will find the most up to date Content for the game.

- Gridex implementation
( Easy customisable grid lines "drag and drop" or "build yourself" implementation)

- Slice calculator

- Tour Elevation

- New to game Tips

- White Ball Players

- Resources on how to improve Game (Ring Count, Gridlines for iPhone & iPad and more…)

- Resources showing the best Golf Clash Facebook Groups
- and more......