What do rainbow scarf clad cats, strawberry flan, and a time traveling hobo named Jim have in common? Not a whole lot, but for some reason they're all at your house at 2 AM, and they want to talk to you!
From the deranged minds of people who shouldn't have access to a computer comes....
In the Kitchen at 2 AM.
A choose your own adventure story app of fantastical proportions. An app with a whimsical tale that allows you to control the direction of the narrative. With multiple endings, many joyful minutes can be spent exploring the varied plot lines.
This was a lot of fun to make and a good learning app for getting user input and moving through different Android activities. It's a simple app, but a lot of fun. The source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/PatrickLeonard/InTheKitchenAt2AM .
Rainbow scarf clad cats!! Who could lose?!
From the deranged minds of people who shouldn't have access to a computer comes....
In the Kitchen at 2 AM.
A choose your own adventure story app of fantastical proportions. An app with a whimsical tale that allows you to control the direction of the narrative. With multiple endings, many joyful minutes can be spent exploring the varied plot lines.
This was a lot of fun to make and a good learning app for getting user input and moving through different Android activities. It's a simple app, but a lot of fun. The source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/PatrickLeonard/InTheKitchenAt2AM .
Rainbow scarf clad cats!! Who could lose?!
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