With COINS, you can Discover, Store, Invest, Send & Receive over 2000 cryptocurrencies. All in one app. Available for free.
Developed by Coinpaprika, COINS is an ultimate solution for every cryptocurrency user. Our user-friendly app includes essential features like:
With coinpaprika.com on board, we deliver complete data about over 2500 cryptocurrencies. You can read details of every coin available, their Twitter & Reddit, track historical prices, explore incoming events or find similar coins!
Our non-custodial solution lets you store over different 1500 cryptocurrencies inside your phone. By using advanced biometrics, we make sure that your private keys never leave your device. Nobody has access to your funds, but you!
With our app, you can purchase cryptocurrencies with your FIAT currency. With that feature, you are always able to invest with a few clicks. Never miss an opportunity again!
No more complicated infrastructure! Exchanging your cryptocurrency into another never been easier - choose the crypto you want to exchange, and we'll take care of everything else!
Send & Receive:
Use our app to make transactions on the blockchain directly from your phone. Save contacts for future usage, make notes, or preview transactions on the blockchain explorer! Everything you need is here!
Read the most important news of the day check which coin gained the most and which one lost the most in its value. With COINS, you are always well informed about the current situation!
Created by Crypto Enthusiasts for Crypto Enthusiasts. If you have any suggestions for the app reach us out on support@coinpaprika.com
Developed by Coinpaprika, COINS is an ultimate solution for every cryptocurrency user. Our user-friendly app includes essential features like:
With coinpaprika.com on board, we deliver complete data about over 2500 cryptocurrencies. You can read details of every coin available, their Twitter & Reddit, track historical prices, explore incoming events or find similar coins!
Our non-custodial solution lets you store over different 1500 cryptocurrencies inside your phone. By using advanced biometrics, we make sure that your private keys never leave your device. Nobody has access to your funds, but you!
With our app, you can purchase cryptocurrencies with your FIAT currency. With that feature, you are always able to invest with a few clicks. Never miss an opportunity again!
No more complicated infrastructure! Exchanging your cryptocurrency into another never been easier - choose the crypto you want to exchange, and we'll take care of everything else!
Send & Receive:
Use our app to make transactions on the blockchain directly from your phone. Save contacts for future usage, make notes, or preview transactions on the blockchain explorer! Everything you need is here!
Read the most important news of the day check which coin gained the most and which one lost the most in its value. With COINS, you are always well informed about the current situation!
Created by Crypto Enthusiasts for Crypto Enthusiasts. If you have any suggestions for the app reach us out on support@coinpaprika.com
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