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About Comercho

Comercho is the best and fast way to buy all the products you need at reasonable prices without leaving the house. An integrated marketplace in your home within the Magdeed app.
Unlike many different online shopping sites and applications or classifieds ads, Comercho provides you with a unique experience, as many different stores in one application (buying and selling food and drinks - buying and selling accessories - manual and artistic works - perfumes and smoke ... and many others, as well as We, offer a lot of additional features and maintain safety and reliability in the exhibits.

How does the volume app work?
If you want to buy or sell any product online, the amount app provides you with that in no more than 30 seconds.
Download the "Magdir" application from the store for your phone "The application is easy to download and does not require much time, and it is suitable for all types of phones and low memory capacity."
Upload the materials you wish to sell in the appropriate section.
If you want to buy something, you can browse the section for what you want or use the advanced search for quick access.
Within the application there are a lot of offers and discounts on all products added periodically, you can activate notifications to receive offers first hand.
Each merchant inside the app has a profile with lots of previous reviews and offers to see who you are dealing with.
• Browse through the daily updated items you might like to purchase some.
• You can browse products by image and sort by category or location.

Quantities is the simplest way to buy and sell online, join now.

How to use the magnitudes app?

If you want to buy products online from Amounts:

1. Browse the displayed listings and choose the one that suits you. You can use the search to easily access what you want.
2. Write a comment about your offer to buy or contact the seller directly about the things you want to receive.
3- Choose the payment method from many available methods and complete the process successfully.

If you want to sell some products online in amounts:
1. Choose the appropriate section to add your product.
2. Upload a product image, set a price, and add a description.
3.Show your items for free.
2. You can communicate with buyers through the application easily.

The amounts of an application for sale to everyone, with the utmost ease, away from the crowded markets and the exploitation of merchants.

Download amounts and starts selling your stuff, shopping for the best brands, and finding offers, discounts, and giveaways on all products.
Find great things at affordable prices waiting for you in the distinguished Comercho online shopping app.

You can provide your feedback at any time. We will be happy with that. You can also contact us via e-mail

Thanks for choosing Ingredients :)

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