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Community Bank Mobile Business

Community Bank Carmichaels PA
500+ downloads

About Community Bank Mobile Business

Bank conveniently and securely with Community Bank Mobile Business Banking. Now you can manage your business finances anytime, anywhere - from your mobile device. 

Manage Your Accounts:
• Check business account balances
• View recent transactions, including check images
• Transfer money between accounts

Deposit Checks:
• Deposit checks by snapping a picture of each check
• View deposit history in the app

Review and Approve:
• Approve transactions scheduled through [Business Online], including fund transfers, ACH transfers and wire transfers
• Review and approve Positive Pay exceptions
• Receive alerts when approvals are pending

Getting started is easy.  Simply download the app and sign on with your Internet Banking Plus user credentials.  [No additional fees apply.1].  For more information about Community Bank mobile services, please visit or call us at 888-223-8099. 

1Carrier’s data rates may apply. 

Community Bank Mobile Business Screenshots

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