In the Rockpit Game you play with an opponent for relevant topics, such as safety on the construction site with our Safety Score. You can challenge an opponent yourself or you are challenged. You play in battles of 7 questions each time. You play the battle when it suits you. After the battle you will immediately gain insight into who won and which questions you answered correctly and incorrectly. We have added short supporting information for each question, so that you can always view additional knowledge for a specific question. A battle consists of a random set of selected questions, so you always get a different combination of questions. This gives you more variety and the relevant knowledge is offered randomly. This makes the game varied and ensures that you get more questions on subjects where you score less well. This way you absorb the knowledge faster and it becomes ready knowledge.
Play your first game today and take part in the Rockpit competitions or perhaps your own corporate competition!
Play your first game today and take part in the Rockpit competitions or perhaps your own corporate competition!
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