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Compositor Software
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1. SASER software capable of synthesizing the incoming signal for VLF stations retranslation. The stronger the signal of VLF radio station, the more sound amplification it produces. The scanner of SASER software capable of switching VLF radio stations according to a set of rules for predefined monitoring.
2. Derived hyperbolic function uses up to 1536 points of distributed network service, which lowers the potential risk of DDoS by 1536 times. SASER software capable of suppressing radio stations signal with digital processors resolution of up to 192-bit. The fundamental approach of SASER software is to organize unicasting translation using digital ether from existing radio stations and if no signal is present to switch to internal digital ether generator.
3. SASER software reproduces VLF network of radio stations without physical limitations of wave propagation. The algorithm of SASER software modem works not only on a spectral level, but also on the real-time event generator level by merging three levels of operation at once. 
4. You can use the signals of VLF radio stations for unicast translation. SASER software can translate incoming signals into the internal network of 1536 points.
5. You can view the system of SASER software as a solution for transport networks used in VLF radio stations.
6. The sequencer of SASER software uses approximation operations in a spherical space for playback of resulting radio signals, formed in a presence of signal constellations.

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