App is providing Computer Science Books on Topics for AI, JAVA, Python, Algo, Networking, PHP, Scikit Learn, Software engineering, Theory of Computation, Operational Research, Microprocessor, OpenCV for all.
AI :
A Modern Approach, A Guide to Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence for Games, Illuminated, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Programming In Prolog
Accelerated , How to Program, Microsoft Visual , Plus Data Structures, Primer, Programmierung, Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Programming Fundamentals, Recipes A Problem Solution Approach, Standard Library Practical Tips, Standard Library Quick Reference, Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, Programming with C++
Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach, Computer organization And Embedded Systems by Carl Hamacher, Digital Design, Distributed Systems Architecture A Middleware Approach, The Architecture of Computer Hardware System Software and Networking
Computer Graphics:
3D Computer Graphics,, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice , Schaum Series, Computer Graphics with Open GL, Geometric tools , A Top Down Approach
Data Mining:
Big Data and Machine Learning, Concepts and Techniques, Business Intelligence, Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Rattle and R, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice
Deep Learning:
Data Wrangling with Python, Deep Learning with Python A Hands on Introduction, Django Web Development with Python, Natural Language Processing With Python
Principles of Data Structures using C and C++, Think Data Structures Algorithms and Information
Database Management Systems, Languages and Architectures, Fundamentals of Database Systems
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Discrete Structures - Logic and Computability
Expert Oracle and Java Security, From Java To Ruby, Head First, Absolute Beginners, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice, Well Grounded Java Developer
AI :
A Modern Approach, A Guide to Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence for Games, Illuminated, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Programming In Prolog
Accelerated , How to Program, Microsoft Visual , Plus Data Structures, Primer, Programmierung, Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Programming Fundamentals, Recipes A Problem Solution Approach, Standard Library Practical Tips, Standard Library Quick Reference, Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, Programming with C++
Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach, Computer organization And Embedded Systems by Carl Hamacher, Digital Design, Distributed Systems Architecture A Middleware Approach, The Architecture of Computer Hardware System Software and Networking
Computer Graphics:
3D Computer Graphics,, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice , Schaum Series, Computer Graphics with Open GL, Geometric tools , A Top Down Approach
Data Mining:
Big Data and Machine Learning, Concepts and Techniques, Business Intelligence, Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Rattle and R, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice
Deep Learning:
Data Wrangling with Python, Deep Learning with Python A Hands on Introduction, Django Web Development with Python, Natural Language Processing With Python
Principles of Data Structures using C and C++, Think Data Structures Algorithms and Information
Database Management Systems, Languages and Architectures, Fundamentals of Database Systems
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Discrete Structures - Logic and Computability
Expert Oracle and Java Security, From Java To Ruby, Head First, Absolute Beginners, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice, Well Grounded Java Developer
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