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Computer Science Books

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About Computer Science Books

App is providing Computer Science Books on Topics for AI, JAVA, Python, Algo, Networking, PHP, Scikit Learn, Software engineering, Theory of Computation, Operational Research, Microprocessor, OpenCV for all.

AI :
A Modern Approach, A Guide to Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence for Games, Illuminated, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Programming In Prolog

Accelerated , How to Program, Microsoft Visual , Plus Data Structures, Primer, Programmierung, Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Programming Fundamentals, Recipes A Problem Solution Approach, Standard Library Practical Tips, Standard Library Quick Reference, Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, Programming with C++

Computer Architecture:
A Quantitative Approach, Computer organization And Embedded Systems by Carl Hamacher, Digital Design, Distributed Systems Architecture A Middleware Approach, The Architecture of Computer Hardware System Software and Networking

Computer Graphics:
3D Computer Graphics,, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice , Schaum Series, Computer Graphics with Open GL, Geometric tools , A Top Down Approach

Data Mining:
Big Data and Machine Learning, Concepts and Techniques, Business Intelligence, Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Rattle and R, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice

Deep Learning:
Data Wrangling with Python, Deep Learning with Python A Hands on Introduction, Django Web Development with Python, Natural Language Processing With Python

Principles of Data Structures using C and C++, Think Data Structures Algorithms and Information

Database Management Systems, Languages and Architectures, Fundamentals of Database Systems

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Discrete Structures - Logic and Computability

Expert Oracle and Java Security, From Java To Ruby, Head First, Absolute Beginners, Java Data Mining Strategy, Standard and Practice, Well Grounded Java Developer

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