It is possible to quickly and easily find hidden insurance money in my insurance with one click. Easily view all insurances you have subscribed to and details of insurance payments that have not yet been claimed on your smartphone. You can check at a glance with one click my insurance that was difficult to find because it was scattered. Download the My Insurance Dana app and use the My Insurance Finder service that suits you.
▶ Introducing My Insurance Dana and the App
▷ You can check my insurance details and hidden insurance money at a glance by simply entering information without complicated procedures.
▷ You can view my insurance premiums by major insurance companies in real time with one click.
▷ Check your insufficient coverage through my insurance check.
▶ Build knowledge of insurance terminology
[Short-term payment]
▷ Short-term payment refers to a form of payment in which the premium payment period is shorter than the guarantee period.
(Example: 20-year, 100-year maturity)
▶ Introducing My Insurance Dana and the App
▷ You can check my insurance details and hidden insurance money at a glance by simply entering information without complicated procedures.
▷ You can view my insurance premiums by major insurance companies in real time with one click.
▷ Check your insufficient coverage through my insurance check.
▶ Build knowledge of insurance terminology
[Short-term payment]
▷ Short-term payment refers to a form of payment in which the premium payment period is shorter than the guarantee period.
(Example: 20-year, 100-year maturity)
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