Fel rhan o brosiect CorCenCC (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes), mae ap torfoli CorCenCC wedi ei gynllunio i ganiatáu i siaradwyr Cymraeg recordio sgyrsiau rhyngddyn nhw eu hunain ac eraill ar draws ystod o gyd-destunau er mwyn iddynt gael eu llwytho i fyny a’u cynnwys yn y corpws terfynol. Mae casglu data corpws trwy ddulliau torfoli yn gyfeiriad cymharol newydd sy’n ategu dulliau mwy traddodiadol o gasglu data iaith. Mae'r ap yn cydweddu i’r dim â’r ysbryd cymunedol cadarnhaol sy'n bodoli ymysg siaradwyr a dysgwyr Cymraeg.
Trwy ddefnyddio’r ap torfoli, gall siaradwyr Cymraeg ymgysylltu’n rhwydd â phrosiect CorCenCC pan fydd yn gyfleus iddyn nhw wneud. Mae defnyddwyr yn gallu:
*** Creu ac addasu proffil defnyddiwr ar sail cyd-destun eu cefndir Cymraeg,
*** Gwneud recordiadau sain a fideo o'u sgyrsiau a'u trafodaethau Cymraeg,
*** Cynnwys gwybodaeth benodol ychwanegol ynghylch eu recordiadau fel metadata,
*** Llwytho i fyny recordiadau i'w cynnwys yn CorCenCC - Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes.
Drwy wneud y broses o gyfrannu at y corpws yn brofiad llawer mwy personol, mae tîm CorCenCC eisiau rhoi perchnogaeth a rheolaeth ar eu data iaith eu hunain i ddefnyddwyr, a'r cyfle iddynt rannu eu Cymraeg â’r Corpws Cenedlaethol newydd yn y ffordd fwyaf naturiol a chywir posibl yn y cyd-destun cyfoes.
Er mwyn cael rhagor o wybodaeth am brosiect CorCenCC, ewch i'n gwefan (www.corcencc.org), darllenwch ein cylchlythyr misol, neu mynnwch gip ar ein tudalen Facebook (www.facebook.com/CorCenCC) a’n ffrwd Trydar (@CorCenCC).
Mae CorCenCC yn brosiect ymchwil a ariennir gan ESRC/AHRC (Grant Rhif ES/M011348/1).
As part of the CorCenCC (National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh) project, the CorCenCC Crowdsourcing Application has been designed to allow Welsh speakers to record conversations between themselves and others across a range of contexts and to upload them for inclusion in the final corpus. Crowdsourced corpus data is a relatively new direction that complements more traditional language data collection methods, and is ideally suited to the positive community spirit that exists among speakers and learners of the Welsh language.
Using our Crowdsourcing Application, Welsh speakers can engage with the CorCenCC project easily and at their own convenience. Users are able to:
*** Create and adjust a user profile based around the context of their Welsh language background,
*** Make audio and video recordings of their Welsh language conversations and exchanges,
*** Include focused additional information about recordings as metadata,
*** Upload recordings for inclusion in CorCenCC - the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh.
In making contributions to the corpus a much more personal experience, the CorCenCC team wants to give users ownership and control of their own language data, and the opportunity to share the most natural and accurate representation possible of their Welsh in the contemporary context with the new National Corpus.
For more information on the CorCenCC project, please visit our website (www.corcencc.org), read our monthly newsletter, or check out our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CorCenCC) and Twitter feed (@CorCenCC).
CorCenCC is an ESRC/AHRC funded research project (Grant Number ES/M011348/1).
Trwy ddefnyddio’r ap torfoli, gall siaradwyr Cymraeg ymgysylltu’n rhwydd â phrosiect CorCenCC pan fydd yn gyfleus iddyn nhw wneud. Mae defnyddwyr yn gallu:
*** Creu ac addasu proffil defnyddiwr ar sail cyd-destun eu cefndir Cymraeg,
*** Gwneud recordiadau sain a fideo o'u sgyrsiau a'u trafodaethau Cymraeg,
*** Cynnwys gwybodaeth benodol ychwanegol ynghylch eu recordiadau fel metadata,
*** Llwytho i fyny recordiadau i'w cynnwys yn CorCenCC - Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes.
Drwy wneud y broses o gyfrannu at y corpws yn brofiad llawer mwy personol, mae tîm CorCenCC eisiau rhoi perchnogaeth a rheolaeth ar eu data iaith eu hunain i ddefnyddwyr, a'r cyfle iddynt rannu eu Cymraeg â’r Corpws Cenedlaethol newydd yn y ffordd fwyaf naturiol a chywir posibl yn y cyd-destun cyfoes.
Er mwyn cael rhagor o wybodaeth am brosiect CorCenCC, ewch i'n gwefan (www.corcencc.org), darllenwch ein cylchlythyr misol, neu mynnwch gip ar ein tudalen Facebook (www.facebook.com/CorCenCC) a’n ffrwd Trydar (@CorCenCC).
Mae CorCenCC yn brosiect ymchwil a ariennir gan ESRC/AHRC (Grant Rhif ES/M011348/1).
As part of the CorCenCC (National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh) project, the CorCenCC Crowdsourcing Application has been designed to allow Welsh speakers to record conversations between themselves and others across a range of contexts and to upload them for inclusion in the final corpus. Crowdsourced corpus data is a relatively new direction that complements more traditional language data collection methods, and is ideally suited to the positive community spirit that exists among speakers and learners of the Welsh language.
Using our Crowdsourcing Application, Welsh speakers can engage with the CorCenCC project easily and at their own convenience. Users are able to:
*** Create and adjust a user profile based around the context of their Welsh language background,
*** Make audio and video recordings of their Welsh language conversations and exchanges,
*** Include focused additional information about recordings as metadata,
*** Upload recordings for inclusion in CorCenCC - the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh.
In making contributions to the corpus a much more personal experience, the CorCenCC team wants to give users ownership and control of their own language data, and the opportunity to share the most natural and accurate representation possible of their Welsh in the contemporary context with the new National Corpus.
For more information on the CorCenCC project, please visit our website (www.corcencc.org), read our monthly newsletter, or check out our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CorCenCC) and Twitter feed (@CorCenCC).
CorCenCC is an ESRC/AHRC funded research project (Grant Number ES/M011348/1).
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