The Cortado Workplace app securely connects Android devices to the corporate network. The app is a component of Cortado’s business solution Cortado Server. The Cortado Server is installed on-premises in the enterprise and enables seamless, secure integration of mobile devices into the corporate IT infrastructure.
Our complete enterprise mobility management solution offers:
• Faster access to files in the corporate network
• Open and edit documents in any managed app
• Printing to network and Wi-Fi printers
• Secure file sharing with project participants via virtual data rooms*
• Preview of files without downloading or requiring third-party apps
• Powerful mobile device management (MDM)
• Native mobile application management (MAM)
More Information:
*Working with Virtual Data Rooms (VDR) requires the server component of Cortado Workplace or Cortado Server in version 8.3 or higher.
Our complete enterprise mobility management solution offers:
• Faster access to files in the corporate network
• Open and edit documents in any managed app
• Printing to network and Wi-Fi printers
• Secure file sharing with project participants via virtual data rooms*
• Preview of files without downloading or requiring third-party apps
• Powerful mobile device management (MDM)
• Native mobile application management (MAM)
More Information:
*Working with Virtual Data Rooms (VDR) requires the server component of Cortado Workplace or Cortado Server in version 8.3 or higher.
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