The Interhyp Group is one of the leading addresses for private mortgage lending in Germany. With the brands Interhyp, which is aimed directly at end customers, and Prohyp, which is aimed at individual brokers and institutional partners, the company successfully placed a financing volume of EUR 28.8 billion with its more than 500 financing partners in 2020. The Interhyp Group combines the performance of the self-developed mortgage lending platform eHyp with customer-oriented digital offers and the multiple award-winning competence of its financing specialists. The Interhyp Group employs around 1,600 people and is personally present for its customers and partners at over 100 locations.
As an employer, we are committed to the idea of a professional home. This includes an open corporate culture, flat hierarchies and the opportunity to exploit your potential. This is also reflected in our interactive Employee Engagement Platform COCO, which represents our virtual, emotional home. COCO makes interaction and knowledge sharing across departments, hierarchies and locations as easy as possible. This strengthens our corporate culture and not least our position as an attractive employer.
As an employer, we are committed to the idea of a professional home. This includes an open corporate culture, flat hierarchies and the opportunity to exploit your potential. This is also reflected in our interactive Employee Engagement Platform COCO, which represents our virtual, emotional home. COCO makes interaction and knowledge sharing across departments, hierarchies and locations as easy as possible. This strengthens our corporate culture and not least our position as an attractive employer.
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