Reformation and Revival Course
Dear brother in the Adventist faith:
Grace and peace be with you! In your hands are the first two lessons of this unique correspondence course of study, which will undoubtedly have a profound effect on your spiritual experience in the present truth of the three angels' messages.
It has taken much prayer to prepare a course of this nature, and in the fear of the Lord we are sharing it with you in the confidence that what is here presented is of the utmost importance to every sincere Seventh-day Adventist. Many things that have perplexed you for a long time, questions that have remained unanswered, will find their solution in this study on the work of reform to which the Lord is calling us. We are sure that as you progress through this course, you will appreciate the great value of its content.
Dear brother in the Adventist faith:
Grace and peace be with you! In your hands are the first two lessons of this unique correspondence course of study, which will undoubtedly have a profound effect on your spiritual experience in the present truth of the three angels' messages.
It has taken much prayer to prepare a course of this nature, and in the fear of the Lord we are sharing it with you in the confidence that what is here presented is of the utmost importance to every sincere Seventh-day Adventist. Many things that have perplexed you for a long time, questions that have remained unanswered, will find their solution in this study on the work of reform to which the Lord is calling us. We are sure that as you progress through this course, you will appreciate the great value of its content.
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