Generate or create Privacy Policy and Terms of use by just filling in a few blanks. After success generation, a developer can choose to copy their Privacy Policy and Terms of use or host and copy the link for use in their app, Developer console or anywhere else
This App Privacy Policy Generator app can create a privacy policy for your app to tell users about how their data is safe to use in our app and it is safe to install on their device.
You can tell users about how you use their data(if you do) and what type of services or any third party services you use in your app.
Our main job is to create a privacy policy for your app.
For more details, please check it out.
We does not take any responsibility for any legal consequences associated with the use of this privacy policy app , and hence urge you to seek local legal advice ensuring compliance with all rules applicable for the users of your application.
The developer of Privacy Policy Generator can in no way be found liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss suffered by you due to the use of this app.
This App Privacy Policy Generator app can create a privacy policy for your app to tell users about how their data is safe to use in our app and it is safe to install on their device.
You can tell users about how you use their data(if you do) and what type of services or any third party services you use in your app.
Our main job is to create a privacy policy for your app.
For more details, please check it out.
We does not take any responsibility for any legal consequences associated with the use of this privacy policy app , and hence urge you to seek local legal advice ensuring compliance with all rules applicable for the users of your application.
The developer of Privacy Policy Generator can in no way be found liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss suffered by you due to the use of this app.
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