This is very first time ever we brought the calculator for LM2576 and LM2596 integrated circuit in Play Store. This is very simple and easy calculator for engineers and hobbyist.
# Calculation for LM2576 & LM2596 Adjustable Regulator
# Save the output data for further use.
# Can Calculate: R1 , R2, Actual Volt, Minimal Cout Value,
Required Inductor, Current Rating, Cff value, Heat Sink Value
# Inductor value presizely calculate from Graph
# Inductor(L1), Diode(D1) model number Automatically Show according to Given Input
# Circuits for LM2576 and LM2596 are included in the application.
# Zooming the circuits for better experience
# Datasheet, Circuits for LM2576 Adj & LM2596 Adj
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# Calculation for LM2576 & LM2596 Adjustable Regulator
# Save the output data for further use.
# Can Calculate: R1 , R2, Actual Volt, Minimal Cout Value,
Required Inductor, Current Rating, Cff value, Heat Sink Value
# Inductor value presizely calculate from Graph
# Inductor(L1), Diode(D1) model number Automatically Show according to Given Input
# Circuits for LM2576 and LM2596 are included in the application.
# Zooming the circuits for better experience
# Datasheet, Circuits for LM2576 Adj & LM2596 Adj
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