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Cruz Criterio & Asociados S.C.

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About Cruz Criterio & Asociados S.C.

Cruz Criterio y Asociados app offers its clients the highest technology to know their Accounting and Taxes online instantly.

Meet the most important metrics of your company instantly and bill your customers from the comfort of your phone.

What is Cruz Criterio y Asociados App?

Oficina Web is an accounting platform designed for accountants' offices, which allows them to offer better services and keep their clients updated automatically with the exact information of their Financial and Fiscal situation.

How do I access Cruz Criterio and Asociados App?

Download your application to the mobile device and look for the Accounting Office that your Accounting, Fiscal and Financial administration has, enter your Username and Password and you will easily access your online accounting.

How does Cruz Criterio and Asociados App benefit your business?

The platform will inform you immediately, every event that takes place in your business, whether you receive an invoice of expenses or purchases from your suppliers or that a sale is issued to your customers, online you can enjoy the information so that the decision making in your business is appropriate.

What additional advantages does Cruz Criterio and Asociados App have?

It informs you every day the federal taxes of your business, before it closes the month or the year, allowing you to correctly plan your tax burden, always advised by your accountants office.

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