PhsarHun is designed to bring you a streamlined mobile stock market information in Cambodia. Explore PhsarHun for your stock investment, which you can access real time stock quote, index, chart listed companies disclosure, updated news, rule, contacts of your stocks brokers.
- Market Data: Search for up-to-date stock prices, chart and other related data.
- Listed Companies: Explore companies which are listed at Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) and its information and data.
- Securities Firm: Find your brokers which are the member of CSX.
- Investor Guide: Learn how to invest in stock market.
- Knowledge: Search for the related information, regulation, educated videos,
- Event: this menu shows the up-coming event in the stock market.
- News: Get the latest news on financial market, as well as the cooperate disclosure.
If you are experiencing issues or have suggestions to improve the Portfolio app, please email:
- Market Data: Search for up-to-date stock prices, chart and other related data.
- Listed Companies: Explore companies which are listed at Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) and its information and data.
- Securities Firm: Find your brokers which are the member of CSX.
- Investor Guide: Learn how to invest in stock market.
- Knowledge: Search for the related information, regulation, educated videos,
- Event: this menu shows the up-coming event in the stock market.
- News: Get the latest news on financial market, as well as the cooperate disclosure.
If you are experiencing issues or have suggestions to improve the Portfolio app, please email:
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