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ROH Burn Consult

Csymplicity Software Solutions Inc
100+ downloads

About ROH Burn Consult

ROH Burn Consult is an application designed by Csymplicity Software Solutions to help Regional One Health Network Referring Facilities contact ROH Burn Center experts to assess a burn wound and collaboratively determine the course of treatment. ROH Burn Consult is designed to help with timely triage and treatment of a burn patient.

Regional One Health Burn Consult specifics:

Android App developed specifically for Burn Physicians
Fully HIPAA Compliant
Ability to assess Burn Wounds within seconds
Decrease/eliminate over/under triage
Save the Burn Center money
Save patients/families unnecessary travel expense


Increase Referral Base
Solidify Referral Patterns
Monitor/Analyze Referral Trends

ROH Burn Consult Screenshots