Secand world provides online shopping, Offline shopping (O2O), Recharge & utility bill payment services.
Introducing social e-commerce to the world where inviting everyone to get engage in Secand World's GLAM program & earn money through affiliate program.
(Ground Level Affiliate Marketing) refer to buyer & earn, Refer to seller & earn
Providing Cash back on mobile & DTH recharge
Providing Utility bill payment service
Providing Promotional Points on every shopping, Online & Offline
Offline stores can onboard as a offline seller & show their product gallery, Brands, contacts to millions of users through Secand World Website or App.
Offline seller can refer the buyer & can provide promotional income to promote the stores.
Secure wallet system for every user & seller to initiate transaction.
Browse product for Premium Quality Clothing, health & Beautycare categories
Men's & Women's wear
Exclusive & Branded collection at reasonable price
Such as Western wear, Office wear, Formal wear, Casual wear, Active wear, Sportswear, Traditional wear, Designer Clothing, etc
Result oriented healthcare products are available with specification & guidance
such as Health tonic, Super food, Fiber food, Hair Care, Skin Care, Oral Care, Hyginic Products,
Ayurvedic Supplementary, Weight management, Detoxifier, Multivitamins, Protein powder, Calcium supplementary, etc.
Promotional Points are mentioned on all products to promote & earn to buyer.
Prime membership
Additional benefit to the Prime member
Get double valued virtual discount coupon
Get free shipping on order of 500.00 & above
Can use Mobile & DTH recharge cash back
Can use the whole wallet (Promotional & Referral).
Have any queries or issues related to Secand World App
Reach out to us at
Call us on: 9503369191
Introducing social e-commerce to the world where inviting everyone to get engage in Secand World's GLAM program & earn money through affiliate program.
(Ground Level Affiliate Marketing) refer to buyer & earn, Refer to seller & earn
Providing Cash back on mobile & DTH recharge
Providing Utility bill payment service
Providing Promotional Points on every shopping, Online & Offline
Offline stores can onboard as a offline seller & show their product gallery, Brands, contacts to millions of users through Secand World Website or App.
Offline seller can refer the buyer & can provide promotional income to promote the stores.
Secure wallet system for every user & seller to initiate transaction.
Browse product for Premium Quality Clothing, health & Beautycare categories
Men's & Women's wear
Exclusive & Branded collection at reasonable price
Such as Western wear, Office wear, Formal wear, Casual wear, Active wear, Sportswear, Traditional wear, Designer Clothing, etc
Result oriented healthcare products are available with specification & guidance
such as Health tonic, Super food, Fiber food, Hair Care, Skin Care, Oral Care, Hyginic Products,
Ayurvedic Supplementary, Weight management, Detoxifier, Multivitamins, Protein powder, Calcium supplementary, etc.
Promotional Points are mentioned on all products to promote & earn to buyer.
Prime membership
Additional benefit to the Prime member
Get double valued virtual discount coupon
Get free shipping on order of 500.00 & above
Can use Mobile & DTH recharge cash back
Can use the whole wallet (Promotional & Referral).
Have any queries or issues related to Secand World App
Reach out to us at
Call us on: 9503369191
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