Azeroth Library
The ninth city original version is completely reproduced
Including history, history, characters, diaries, manuals, letters
The complete directory is as follows:
Titan myth
Sargeras's betrayal
The Order of the Ancient God and Azeroth
Guardian dragon
Cadore and the Well of Eternity
Ancient war
World division
Gifts from Mount Hyjal and Illidan
World Tree and Emerald Dreams
Exilation of the Elf
Sentinel's long-term defending
The establishment of Quel'Thalas
Arathor and Troll War
The fall of the empire
Guardian of Tirifas
Ironforge - the awakening of the dwarf
Seven kingdoms
Ai Wenwen and Dragon Slayer
Battle of Three Hammers
Last guardian
Kil'jaeden and shadow contract
The rise of the tribe
The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind City
Lordaeron Union
Crossing the gates of darkness
Draenor's invasion
Birth of the Lich King
Icecrown and Frozen Throne
Battle of Grim Batol
Orc depression
New tribe
Battle of spiders
Establishment of Kel'Thuzad and the Scourge
Alliance split
Natural disaster of Lordaeron
Sunwell - the fall of Quel'Thalas
Archimonde's return and Kalimdor tour
The traitor's victory
The rise of the blood elf
Civil War in the Plaguelands
Lich King's victory
Ancient hatred - the development of Kalimdor
Cursed road
Undead plague epidemiology
Fog of dawn
Mother Earth's sorrow
Luna and White Deer
King of the Forest and the original Druid
Half-human hatred
Two empire
The fall of the empire
Troll legend
The anger of the spiriter
Fallen Masters
Origin of the undead
The outcome of the second orc war
Dalong County History
Battle of quicksand
World of Warcraft Chinese Official Website World Of Warcraft - Winter Veil Festival
The story of Morgan Ladimore
Kazgum's diary
Diary of Mori Iron Drill
Grein White Bear's Diary
Barolo's diary
Blood-stained diary
Tyrones' Diary
Gilney's diary
The diary of Henrig's eyebrow
Book in Swin Farm
Bellamore's research diary
Castle Peak in Stranglethorn
Hell Hunting Dog Usage Guide
Crystal Tower User Manual "Angolo Crater Crystal Phone and User Manual"
Gopher training manual
Report on the Defias Brotherhood
Translated good corpse letters
The words of the bear chief
Deciphered letter
Letter from Staven Mistermanto
Special Collection - Letter from Sully Baru
Frostwolf onion
Peeling onions
Tribal and alliance ranks
Constitutional Deed
Tough sacred
Weird Recipe ("Guide to Cooking")
Jordan's weapon material list
Guidelines for the public
Rolls of Varos
The ninth city original version is completely reproduced
Including history, history, characters, diaries, manuals, letters
The complete directory is as follows:
Titan myth
Sargeras's betrayal
The Order of the Ancient God and Azeroth
Guardian dragon
Cadore and the Well of Eternity
Ancient war
World division
Gifts from Mount Hyjal and Illidan
World Tree and Emerald Dreams
Exilation of the Elf
Sentinel's long-term defending
The establishment of Quel'Thalas
Arathor and Troll War
The fall of the empire
Guardian of Tirifas
Ironforge - the awakening of the dwarf
Seven kingdoms
Ai Wenwen and Dragon Slayer
Battle of Three Hammers
Last guardian
Kil'jaeden and shadow contract
The rise of the tribe
The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind City
Lordaeron Union
Crossing the gates of darkness
Draenor's invasion
Birth of the Lich King
Icecrown and Frozen Throne
Battle of Grim Batol
Orc depression
New tribe
Battle of spiders
Establishment of Kel'Thuzad and the Scourge
Alliance split
Natural disaster of Lordaeron
Sunwell - the fall of Quel'Thalas
Archimonde's return and Kalimdor tour
The traitor's victory
The rise of the blood elf
Civil War in the Plaguelands
Lich King's victory
Ancient hatred - the development of Kalimdor
Cursed road
Undead plague epidemiology
Fog of dawn
Mother Earth's sorrow
Luna and White Deer
King of the Forest and the original Druid
Half-human hatred
Two empire
The fall of the empire
Troll legend
The anger of the spiriter
Fallen Masters
Origin of the undead
The outcome of the second orc war
Dalong County History
Battle of quicksand
World of Warcraft Chinese Official Website World Of Warcraft - Winter Veil Festival
The story of Morgan Ladimore
Kazgum's diary
Diary of Mori Iron Drill
Grein White Bear's Diary
Barolo's diary
Blood-stained diary
Tyrones' Diary
Gilney's diary
The diary of Henrig's eyebrow
Book in Swin Farm
Bellamore's research diary
Castle Peak in Stranglethorn
Hell Hunting Dog Usage Guide
Crystal Tower User Manual "Angolo Crater Crystal Phone and User Manual"
Gopher training manual
Report on the Defias Brotherhood
Translated good corpse letters
The words of the bear chief
Deciphered letter
Letter from Staven Mistermanto
Special Collection - Letter from Sully Baru
Frostwolf onion
Peeling onions
Tribal and alliance ranks
Constitutional Deed
Tough sacred
Weird Recipe ("Guide to Cooking")
Jordan's weapon material list
Guidelines for the public
Rolls of Varos
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