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About FotoGps

Share your experiences with other users, you will have happened to find yourself in exclusive places or facilitate the achievement of a place for its importance.
With this application you can do it ..
Take a picture
Enter a title
Enter a description
Select a category.
By clicking on the Send FotoGps button, your photo will be sent to the FotoGps portal and the other users who view your photo will be able to reach the place where it was taken with a simple click.
The sending is completely anonymous, the name of the person who sent the photo does not appear, but only a unique identification code, which is used only in the case of obscene or harmful content towards other things or people, you will be traceable and punishable by in accordance with the law.
If the photo is sent from places without an Internet line, the system will send you a notification to allow you to postpone the post in the presence of an Internet line.