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C Learn Software application; It will give basic software knowledge to someone who has no software knowledge with more than one hundred examples and teach the basics of programming and carry it to advanced levels. It will also allow you to store over a hundred samples in an easily accessible location on your phone.

Our application is suitable for Algorithm Programming 1 and Algorithm Programming 2 courses of universities.

In our application there are 139 colored sample codes (programs). Each example has a "screen output" and a "colorful, clear note" explaining each code line by line. Colored codes and description will increase your learning disposition and success.

For the time being in our application, there are 7 test questions consisting of 70 questions. With the test questions you can improve yourself and determine which topic you are missing. You can be sure that the test questions will be continually increased and refreshed in future updates.

"Where do I write these codes?" The answer to the question "CodeBlocks" program on your computer, how to install and run the code you write and how to take a screen print is available to explain.

Our app is constantly updated, new options are added, and you can be sure that the possibilities to increase user learning will be added.

The "LEARN SOFTWARE WITH EXAMPLES" application with the blue logo in the Play Store is mine. You can download, try and read user reviews.

The app is on the subway, on the bus etc. It is an advantage that it can be used in an internet environment.

If there is a problem with the operation of the application, contact me immediately; the program does not work, but in case of any possible communication to be sure to respond.

I would like to thank the friends who will download the application in advance and express my pleasure to contribute to the software learning process :)

1) Introduction to C (6)
2) Data Types (9)
2) Arithmetic Operations (10)
3) Ready Functions (12)
4) If-Else (10)
5 Switch-Case (7)
6) For Cycle (15)
7) Do while and While Loop (10)
8) Arrays (7)
9) Functions (9)
10) Struct (4)
11 Pointer (4)
12) Dynamic Memory (4)
13) File Operations (18)
14 Listings (8)
15) Algorithmic Questions (6)

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Instagram: "yazilimogren"