Radio Danaliq, Qaraqalpaq tilindegi onlayin radio da'sturi bolip, bul da'sturdin' jaratiliwinin' ma'qseti, Muxaddes Kitap haqiyqatlarina ha'm Jaratiwshimizdin' su'yispenshiligine tiykarlang'an waqiyalardi ha'm qaraqalpaq tilindegi alg'iz maqtaw qosiqlarin sizge jetkerip beriw. Ma'rha'mat tin'lan'iz!
Danaliq Radio is the one online radio streaming in Karakalpak. All content is based on the Bible’s verses. We created Danaliq Radio application to satisfy needs of people who believe that everything created by the love of God and He controls all universe we know.
This online radio will let people listen to the Worship in Karakalpak and audio topics based on the Bible truths. This is not a commercial project; all we do is free to download and reproduce.
Danaliq Radio is the one online radio streaming in Karakalpak. All content is based on the Bible’s verses. We created Danaliq Radio application to satisfy needs of people who believe that everything created by the love of God and He controls all universe we know.
This online radio will let people listen to the Worship in Karakalpak and audio topics based on the Bible truths. This is not a commercial project; all we do is free to download and reproduce.
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