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By implementing several interesting features, this application has been designed to help you master Barron's 1100 words.
Features in brief:
♦ Complete Word's Definition In Longman Dictionary Along With Several Examples!
♦ Flash Cards, Powered By Supermemo Learning Method!
♦ Several Customizable Word Lists!
♦ Sticky Notes For Each Word!
♦ Fill In The Blank Questions!
♦ Short Stories!
♦ Up To 7 Different Marking Groups!
♦ Audio Pronunciations Of Each Word And Its Example!
♦ ...
Features in detail:
● In this application all the words are divided into 46 weeks, each week consists of 4 days and each day having 5 new words and an idiom. Those five new words are presented to you in a short story.
● This application has two main parts, 'Book' and 'Flash Cards'. In the Book section you can go through all the words and study them as you like and the Flash Card section helps you to memorize words using 'Supermemo' learning method.
● You can listen to the pronunciation of each word, its definition and examples by simply clicking on them (Note that for hearing audio pronunciations, the ‘Text to Speech’ feature of your phone should be activated).
● Each word is shown to you along with its complete definition in Longman dictionary. So you can see several examples for each word.
● For each word you can write and save a note and also edit your previously saved notes.
● The marking feature of this application enables you to mark words, regarding their difficulty, up to 7 different categories and then spend more time for learning them.
● The search box of this application is equipped with search suggestion and customization feature that lets you find words more quickly and efficiently. By using this capability you can generate several shuffled word lists and study them. For example, by typing "%ous" in the search box, you can search all the words ended by "ous".
● In the "Setting" section you can customize the application and also generate a backup of your notes, marked words and the state of your flash cards or restore a previously generated backup.
By implementing several interesting features, this application has been designed to help you master Barron's 1100 words.
Features in brief:
♦ Complete Word's Definition In Longman Dictionary Along With Several Examples!
♦ Flash Cards, Powered By Supermemo Learning Method!
♦ Several Customizable Word Lists!
♦ Sticky Notes For Each Word!
♦ Fill In The Blank Questions!
♦ Short Stories!
♦ Up To 7 Different Marking Groups!
♦ Audio Pronunciations Of Each Word And Its Example!
♦ ...
Features in detail:
● In this application all the words are divided into 46 weeks, each week consists of 4 days and each day having 5 new words and an idiom. Those five new words are presented to you in a short story.
● This application has two main parts, 'Book' and 'Flash Cards'. In the Book section you can go through all the words and study them as you like and the Flash Card section helps you to memorize words using 'Supermemo' learning method.
● You can listen to the pronunciation of each word, its definition and examples by simply clicking on them (Note that for hearing audio pronunciations, the ‘Text to Speech’ feature of your phone should be activated).
● Each word is shown to you along with its complete definition in Longman dictionary. So you can see several examples for each word.
● For each word you can write and save a note and also edit your previously saved notes.
● The marking feature of this application enables you to mark words, regarding their difficulty, up to 7 different categories and then spend more time for learning them.
● The search box of this application is equipped with search suggestion and customization feature that lets you find words more quickly and efficiently. By using this capability you can generate several shuffled word lists and study them. For example, by typing "%ous" in the search box, you can search all the words ended by "ous".
● In the "Setting" section you can customize the application and also generate a backup of your notes, marked words and the state of your flash cards or restore a previously generated backup.
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