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About Jazadco

Jazadco application helps Investor to view the latest data and stock prices, result and financial indicators, Saudi stock market news and the special economic calendar in the most prominent events of Jazadco company.

You will be able to follow the press releases, financial indicators, Board changes, and major owners, and a lot of disclosures and news, The application also allows synchronizing the most important events of the economic calendar with your phone's diary directly.
This application was designed and developed by experts in the fields of financial investor relations and information technology to guarantee investors a synopsis of rich local experiences. the coverage of Jazadco company.

Jazadco Investor Relations application contains:
Recent news and announcements
Interactive share data
Key financials and performance ratios
Comprehensive Corporate fundamentals.
Bilingual support (Arabic and English)
Jazadco press releases.
The Saudi market
Push notifications for the last updates.
Instant alerts of the latest developments

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