✔️Last news sorted by categories from multiple online newspapers
Воздух Air pollution from several measuring stations on the territory of Macedonia.
✔️Macedonian Stock Exchange for real-time stock tracking + cryptocurrency tracking
You no longer need to search different pages for new information. NovoMK gives you the latest news sorted by several categories (Macedonia, world, economy, sports, culture), air pollution in municipalities and cities and the Macedonian Stock Exchange with the latest information on stocks and cryptocurrencies in one application, without any ads.
Воздух Air pollution from several measuring stations on the territory of Macedonia.
✔️Macedonian Stock Exchange for real-time stock tracking + cryptocurrency tracking
You no longer need to search different pages for new information. NovoMK gives you the latest news sorted by several categories (Macedonia, world, economy, sports, culture), air pollution in municipalities and cities and the Macedonian Stock Exchange with the latest information on stocks and cryptocurrencies in one application, without any ads.
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