Gianluigi Santoro, alias Robotic was born in Foggia on 06.07.1986 and lives in Milan where he works as a civil servant, graduating in Political Science at the "Unicusano" University; he speaks English, and is perfecting his Spanish and Russian, he defines himself as hyperactive, self-confident and dynamic; his main passions are martial arts, dancing, reading and writing, interweaving of reality, fantasy and emotions; he attended some creative writing courses, writes short stories and poems of various forms and has published some works in the series "Navigare" and "M'illumino d' immense" with the Pagine publishing house; one of his stories "The eyes of anger" has been included in the collection entitled "When it gets dark in Derry" for the Stephen King Italia page. I think I would highlight, among other things, you are among my mottos, some , others created by me as well as six thoughts that indicate my way of being: "I am many facets enclosed in a single identity" "I think, I process, I act at 360°""The only person you are destined to to become is what you decide to be" "Quo tibi deerit, a te ipso mutuare" {What you will lack, take it from yourself} "Memento audere semper" {Remember to always dare} "My acronym è C.A.M. = Heart, Soul, Mind; I will always be there, I will always be an active part of my life... I will walk, I will fall and I will get up stronger... with this trident I will advance... the three essences that produce a single meaning :live" 1-There are those who read you like an open book, those who close you like a book read, those who write you like a blank book, those who have lost their bookmark, those who wanted to read you but the emotions weren't on sale , who forged you and placed you on the shelf, who brought you home and put you in the library. Maybe one day someone will read you for real, from the cover to the last page and will take you with them as the most precious gift.2-They see you for how you appear, but few perceive how you are...I prefer to be impactful but with the thickness of the substance made of emotion and passion rather than light and graceful but with inner apathy. 3-Never turn off the light of your soul ... only it can lead your mind and your heart in seeking what is best for you.4-Life is a freedom built to have the right springboard and take off towards happiness... 5-Not everyone will understand your journey; that's okay! You are here to live your life, not to give explanations. 6-Doing what we love makes us free...Loving what we do makes us happy.
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