Mauro Mazza was born and lives in Lucera, father and grandfather of a wonderful crew, out of pure passion he kept his true vocation for a long time, bringing his voice and his emotions beyond the confines of his person. However, after a brief youthful interlude dedicated to the theater, and to the first free radios, (Radio Luna, etc.) as much as he loved this kind of art, "he would have liked to be a voice actor, and devote himself to writing", he stopped to devote himself to work and family .After a long working interlude, passions, however abandoned, irrepressible, were reborn in March 2020, above all, spurred on by his current partner, who, considering his voice talented, gave him a recording station and dedicated a room of the house to rediscovered inspiration. In regaining confidence again with microphones, music, poems and the many poets, known at the time, on the wings of emotions, comforted and inspired by friends, he rediscovered his youth, the desire to joke but at the same time the great desire to write, so much so that he made him write white sheets with the ink of his inseparable fountain pens and transfer onto them the images of the eyes, the emotions of the heart and the words of the sounds. he says: ” I consider myself a person, lucky and grateful to heaven, for the good things in life, lived. Heartfelt grateful to those who are next to me and share this indescribable moment with me. The beauty of life is to live it intensely, in the lightness of being” His motto: “Carpe diem” = Grab the day = Pluck the rose when it's time, you know that time flies …  ;And the same flower that blooms today will wither tomorrow. (Quinto Orazio Flacco)
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