Marianna De Pascale, writer from Campania, with a degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, is already the author of children's books published by Erickson: Racconti dal Paese dei Bambini (Erickson Live 2021) and Più forte dell'X Fragile, collaboration with the Italian Fragile X Syndrome Association (Erickson 2022). She has published poems, for the first time, with Aletti publisher (Il Federiciano, Amaranto, 2022 edition). Interested in alternative communication and special education, she studies the LIS and the alternative forms of augmentative communication with the aim of writing stories and poems for children with special educational needs. Passionate about culture and popular dance, she has experimented, as a dance therapist, the use of popular dance to support residential therapeutic pathways. Family mediator, works as a social worker to support the growth and development of relationships between adults and children.
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