BGmaps for Android icon

BGmaps for Android
4.0 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About BGmaps for Android

With BGmaps you can:
- search for addresses in cities;
- find cities;
- find route directions for car
- find route directions for public transport in Sofia
- easy enter text for search (autocomplete);
- see your location on map (with enabled GPS and/or network location);
- find objects - ATM, public transport stops, hospitals, schools, government ofices, public services and other usefull places;
- add new objects on map - visible for all web or Android users of BGmaps;

With 'My city' you can bookmark selected places on map and use or share them using Facebook,Google+, email or other.
With 'My city' you can send complaint to public services or see messages from public services.
BGmaps for Android allows to use 'My city' using registration with BGmaps email or Facebook account.

BGmaps for Android required internet conection to work. Users can cashe maps on device to save traffic. BGmaps for Android required SD card to store user data.

The application is in Bulgarian language only.
Key words: BG, bulgaria, BG map, BG maps, Bulgaria, map, maps, street, address

BGmaps for Android Screenshots