FLIPPIT is a unique memory game that will test your memory and your speed.
In Arcade mode, memorise a grid of colours and then flip your device face down. Flip it back and reveal the location of the tiles it asks for. Race against the clock and earn power-ups to help you along the way.
Classic mode tests your endurance. No time limit, no bonus rounds, just completing grids in a row with zero mistakes.
Brain training: Improve your unconscious memory! The more you play, the better you get. Train your brain to more quickly capture patterns and information.
Just how good is your unconscious memory? Test how far you can get before it gets too crazy for you...
In Arcade mode, memorise a grid of colours and then flip your device face down. Flip it back and reveal the location of the tiles it asks for. Race against the clock and earn power-ups to help you along the way.
Classic mode tests your endurance. No time limit, no bonus rounds, just completing grids in a row with zero mistakes.
Brain training: Improve your unconscious memory! The more you play, the better you get. Train your brain to more quickly capture patterns and information.
Just how good is your unconscious memory? Test how far you can get before it gets too crazy for you...
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