Compared to other Mensaplan apps, the focus has been placed on a clear presentation.
You can decide for yourself which dishes you want to display!
As the Mensa week ends on Fridays, the food of the following week will be displayed from Saturday.
The app receives the data directly from the University of Regensburg.
This will unfortunately also erroneous ads from there.
Meat and Vegan Icons:
You can decide for yourself which dishes you want to display!
As the Mensa week ends on Fridays, the food of the following week will be displayed from Saturday.
The app receives the data directly from the University of Regensburg.
This will unfortunately also erroneous ads from there.
Meat and Vegan Icons:
Made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Vegetarian Icon:
Vegetarian Icon:
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