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Загадки 2017

DeBIA Limited
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About Загадки 2017

Riddles for children - it poems or prose expressions describing the object, without naming him. Most often, the focus of the children's riddle is given to some unique property of an object or its similarity to other items.

For our ancestors puzzle is a kind of means test the wisdom and wit of fairy tale characters. Almost every tale asked questions to which the main characters have to answer to get a magical gift.

Are divided puzzles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's puzzles, solving that turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your kid. Their number is growing constantly, because people continue to come up with so far, and we continue to post the most interesting.

All riddles for children answered, so you can check yourself. If you play with a very small child, then the answer is worth a look in advance, because you need to make sure that he knows the word that is the clue. Play with your child in razgadayki and he will realize that learning can be fun and even fun!

Kids puzzle: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the preferences of children are so different puzzles that reveal any tendency not offered. Of course, kids are a delight to the puzzle for kids about birds, animals, bugs and spiders all sorts. Older children love to play in the puzzle about the fairy tale characters and characters of modern cartoons.

To turn solving in an entertaining game, you need to choose subjects in accordance with what you're doing and where you are. On vacation in the country choose baby riddles about animals and birds, if you went to pick mushrooms in the woods - the riddle about mushrooms. Such a choice will bring you and your child to new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are resting on the lake or river and saw your little fish. And if you have prepared in advance and took with them about the mysteries of the fish? Good luck to you in the game razgadayku the aquatic and marine theme provided.

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